Dynamic Teen Solutions
BUILDING HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS! Family Dynamics newest edition incorporates not only 12 brand new teen activities but also has 8 of the most effective activities from books one and two of, “Bringing Back Unity and Communication into the Family.” This book includes 20 fun, interactive and engaging activities that have been utilized to help spark conversations amongst teens on a variety of issues. Topics include learning how to work through troubling situations and pressures within life and how to effectively solve problems.
Teens will also learn healthier ways to manage and cope with feelings and healthy ways to communicate and process what they are feeling. The activities also help to build self-esteem and self respect and gain a better understanding of who they are and how to create a healthy sustainable path for their future. All this and so much more will be discovered and talked about while enjoying these amazing activities.
As children grow and encounter all the life altering experiences they go through, it becomes harder to keep unity and communication between one another especially when it comes to the teenage years. Within this book are 12 activities specifically designed to work directly with teens. If you are at a point where you feel it is hard to get your teens to open up and share what is happening within their lives these activities are perfect for you.
Topics include learning how to work through troubling situations or pressures within life and how to effectively solve problems. This will be done by introducing teens to healthier choices and a better understanding of what it means to take true accountability for their actions.
Teens will also learn healthier ways to manage and cope with feelings and healthy ways to communicate and process what they are feeling; Will learn ways to build self-esteem and self respect and gain a better understanding of who they are and how to create a healthy sustainable path for their future.
When working with teens it is crucial to allow them the time or to take certain time within a day to show them that you are there for them and are willing to simply listen. Let them know that you are open to discuss any topic without getting upset, judging or criticizing what they have to say.
This book is also unique as it not only includes the 12 new teen activities but it also has 8 of the most effective activities from books one and two of, “Bringing Back Unity and Communication into the Family.” You are getting the best of all three books within this one.
One of the most important things for each of these projects to be effective is to keep an open mind and be truthful with the teens and yourself. If you open up to them they will do the same. Show them that it’s okay to express your feelings and thoughts. Don’t be quick to dismiss what’s being said or play it off as if it is no big deal. What we can handle as adults is very different than what kids can. The little things to us can be pretty huge to them.
The most important thing of all is to just have fun getting to spend time with them and learning more about them. Rebuilding family unity and opening the lines of communication is the key to a happy, healthy family. I hope you enjoy the activities.
~Bryan Wright
Parent Feedback

“I like the fact that kids are given a chance to learn from their mistakes instead of having a bad decision negatively affect their futures’.”

“Used references and stories that the kids can relate too and see themselves in. Not just lecturing to them but involving them and keeping it interesting.”

“Listening to the kids discussion made me more aware of what is going on with their age group.”

“Activities really got me thinking how to use them in daily life.”

“I was impressed with the teaching style and connection Bryan had with the kids. He truly cared that the kids understood the messages he was teaching!”

“My child and I have a better and more open relationship. It has helped him turn his school grades around and take personal responsibility for his actions.”

“Attended every session…Excellent…Do this program in School!”

“Would love to see a class like this offered to ALL students middle-school through high school to bring more awareness that sexting exists and how to deal with the pressures from social media. It’s NOT enough to have this class for only those who get CAUGHT! Some cases never get reported.”

“I would’ve sent my son to this without having it being required and paid for it. Very good Info. I also told a few of the my friends that are mothers about it and they would like it for their kids too.”