Welcome to Dynamic Family Solutions
Working to Inspire Change and Transform Lives

“Children must be taught how to think; not what to think.”

~ Margaret Mead

  • 715.853.6968

Programs Proven to Work:

Taking Control “Master Your Mind”

Showing Up “A Truancy Curriculum”

Vaping and Drug Evidenced Based

Social Media Sexting Evidenced Based

Life Skills “Essentials to a Healthy Life”

Family Dynamics 3 Book Series

5 C’s To Live By: Journey to Inner Peace

Vaping Online Student Platform

Programs are:                                                                                                                 

  • Evidenced Based

  • Aligned with ASCA National Model for Mindsets and Behavioral Standards

  • Aligned with Social Emotional Learning Competencies (SEL)                                                      

Certification Trainings:

  • Become a Certified Facilitator to run the programs and curriculums in your area

  • Implement into your area as a PREVENTION, DIVERSION or DEFERRED option

  • 2nd Chance Educational Alternative Programing vs. Punitive Punishment

New Train the Trainer Opportunity:

Awards and Achievements

 Midwestern Criminal Justice Association:                     ACJS Academy:                                   Force For Positive Change:

         Practitioner Award 2021                  Leadership and Innovation Award 2022         Honorable Mention Award 2022


                                                                  UW Oshkosh Distinguished Alumni Award 2023


                     Expanding Throughout Wisconsin & More:

                                           33 Counties / 10 States / 220+ Facilitators


                                        FEATURED IN


                                                   UW OSHKOSH TODAY


“I like the fact that kids are given a chance to learn from their mistakes instead of having a bad decision negatively affect their futures’.”

“Used references and stories that the kids can relate too and see themselves in. Not just lecturing to them but involving them and keeping it interesting.”

“Listening to the kids discussion made me more aware of what is going on with their age group.”

“Activities really got me thinking how to use them in daily life.”

“I was impressed with the teaching style and connection Bryan had with the kids. He truly cared that the kids understood the messages he was teaching!”

“My child and I have a better and more open relationship. It has helped him turn his school grades around and take personal responsibility for his actions.”

“Attended every session…Excellent…Do this program in School!”

“Would love to see a class like this offered to ALL students middle-school through high school to bring more awareness that sexting exists and how to deal with the pressures from social media. It’s NOT enough to have this class for only those who get CAUGHT! Some cases never get reported.”

“I would’ve sent my son to this without having it being required and paid for it. Very good Info. I also told a few of the my friends that are mothers about it and they would like it for their kids too.”

Founder / Owner: Bryan Wright

Over the last 16 years of working as a Prevention Educator within the fields of domestic violence and sexual abuse, Bryan Wright held many effective, and life altering group sessions and created numerous activities that have now turned into the Family Dynamics Series. As the Instructor/Author Bryan has been able to tailor curricula and activities specifically to the issues that families and youth are facing today.

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